Monday, July 18, 2011

Apple Sensory Matching Board for Sean...

Joevy's back to the Philippines and i'm back to the missing-my-hubby self..sigh! But that's the life of a seaman's wife...I get to be a fulltime wife only 3 months within a year. Sean is being taken care of by Ate Wilma, our excellent Filipina nanny although I am a bit concerned because this Thursday she has to go out of the country to extend her visa and I don't have anyone to watch over Sean for the whole day, unless, I take a day off (again)! Whew...but that's the way moms are supposed to be...

I feel so self-efficient today, I made a sensory matching board for Sean from this site  I Can Teach My Child, very informative and lots of activities for children especially to those home-schooled. I love the site since there are activities designed for infants, toddlers and to bigger children.
I took the picture of the Apple Sensory Matching Board but I used my mobile phone to take the photo. I'll upload it as soon as I can.

I do hope Sean will love this learning game I made for him.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sean is One!!!

Happy birthday to my dear son! It is his first and I have been excited since the beginning of the week. Sean is now a toddler...whew! Time is really fast.

First and foremost, thank you God for giving me my baby Sean. He is the source of joy in our lives. Thank you that you have been healing him everytime he gets sick with bronchiolitis, eczema and asthma(?). Thank you that he has been growing in the safe cuddle of your love. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Second, I would like to thank my dear hubby, Joevy, he has been an excellent and fun daddy-nanny! He has given love and patience to Sean. Thank you Dad, you're the best.

Thank you friends and relatives for the support and for loving our Sean. We can't thank you enough.

I'll be posting pictures in my next post of our luncheon in Hotel Novotel tomorrow for the thanksgiving and birthday celebration of our dear Sean Harvey Sayloon.

Happy 1st birthday, anak! Daddy and mommy loves you so much!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sweet Peace

Isn't it sweet to feel peace in your heart and mind? After 24 hours of hurting, Joevy and I had a tearful and lengthy talk. We poured out all our heartaches, cried them out until finally we were fed up of being at odds. Now, we are more than fine, sweeter and much more in love!

God is really good! He doesn't want us to feel pain. He was the One who reconciled us. Thank you God for love, faith and peace and help us to be more prayerful. Be in the midst of our relationship Lord. Guide us..