Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Almost a year ago...

Hello there! I really don't know if anyone ever read my blog for the past year but it has been almost a year (that quick!) since my last post... 

A recap...

I had C-section on July 8, 2010 in Sukhumvit Hospital(my OB-gyne opted for this date, she was kinda Chinese and she believed that 8 is a lucky number). I remembered when I was wheeled into the operating room that I got so scared and cried...it was no console that my hubby was miles away from me during my baby's birth. 30 minutes later, I heard my baby's first cry...it was music to my ears! Finally, after 9 months, Sean Harvey Sayloon is out to face the world!

After two days in the hospital, I was informed that my baby has jaundice because his blood is Type A unlike me who's Type O. They took blood sample from him (I felt his agony...his small foot pierced by the needle!) and they found out he has an infection...arrggghh..another health problem(probably because my water broke at 3 am and the operation started at 9 am, so he was at risk)! After a few days, and several thousand of bills later, I asked my baby's paed to have him transferred to a government hospital because the bill is multiplying by the second. I was granted after 3 days, and Sean was transferred to the Children's hospital in Victory Monument.  For my delivery plus the hospitalisation bills of Sean, I paid a total of 95,000 baht...geez! and that's only for a week's time. Well, as long as my baby is okay...after a week, I finally was able to bring him home! Thank you God that all went well and that we had enough money to pay the hospitals.

Gifts for Sean from friends and relatives came! They shared the blessings of having my little blessing! Surely, God has been faithful and good to us all throughout those first few weeks and until now...Thank you God for Sean Harvey...he truly is a bundle of joy!

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