Monday, July 18, 2011

Apple Sensory Matching Board for Sean...

Joevy's back to the Philippines and i'm back to the missing-my-hubby self..sigh! But that's the life of a seaman's wife...I get to be a fulltime wife only 3 months within a year. Sean is being taken care of by Ate Wilma, our excellent Filipina nanny although I am a bit concerned because this Thursday she has to go out of the country to extend her visa and I don't have anyone to watch over Sean for the whole day, unless, I take a day off (again)! Whew...but that's the way moms are supposed to be...

I feel so self-efficient today, I made a sensory matching board for Sean from this site  I Can Teach My Child, very informative and lots of activities for children especially to those home-schooled. I love the site since there are activities designed for infants, toddlers and to bigger children.
I took the picture of the Apple Sensory Matching Board but I used my mobile phone to take the photo. I'll upload it as soon as I can.

I do hope Sean will love this learning game I made for him.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sean is One!!!

Happy birthday to my dear son! It is his first and I have been excited since the beginning of the week. Sean is now a toddler...whew! Time is really fast.

First and foremost, thank you God for giving me my baby Sean. He is the source of joy in our lives. Thank you that you have been healing him everytime he gets sick with bronchiolitis, eczema and asthma(?). Thank you that he has been growing in the safe cuddle of your love. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Second, I would like to thank my dear hubby, Joevy, he has been an excellent and fun daddy-nanny! He has given love and patience to Sean. Thank you Dad, you're the best.

Thank you friends and relatives for the support and for loving our Sean. We can't thank you enough.

I'll be posting pictures in my next post of our luncheon in Hotel Novotel tomorrow for the thanksgiving and birthday celebration of our dear Sean Harvey Sayloon.

Happy 1st birthday, anak! Daddy and mommy loves you so much!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sweet Peace

Isn't it sweet to feel peace in your heart and mind? After 24 hours of hurting, Joevy and I had a tearful and lengthy talk. We poured out all our heartaches, cried them out until finally we were fed up of being at odds. Now, we are more than fine, sweeter and much more in love!

God is really good! He doesn't want us to feel pain. He was the One who reconciled us. Thank you God for love, faith and peace and help us to be more prayerful. Be in the midst of our relationship Lord. Guide us..

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On Easing Heartaches...

It's almost midnight yet I can't sleep. I peeped out of the window and felt the soft wind and rain touched my face. I should have loved the cool air, embraced the raindrops but no, I feel so empty inside...empty because in my heart I feel so alone.

Should I say alone when my husband is lying on the next bed? Yes, I am in solitude because the only person whom I refer as my bestfriend, confidante and partner in life is the person that seems to be so out of reach right now...

I wanted to hold his hand as he lay sleeping beside me. I yearned on hugging him the moment I saw him when I arrive from the office. But I have to hold back, because I know deep inside he's hurting more than I do. How can we ease each other's pain when both of us are the cause of that pain???

I believe only God can do wonders...only He will be the soothing balm in our aching hearts. But I guess we already distanced ourselves from has been a long time since we knelt together. How could we let ourselves wander from the primary Source of love and peace?

Lord God, we need You. We need you to mend our broken hearts and please restore peace, joy and love in our home. You alone can do that...we trust You, dear Jesus. Amen


It hurts to the core when the one person who you believe trusts you with all his heart suddenly points a finger at you untrustfully...

It is painful when you are accused of doing something you never once thought of doing...

It hurts when love turns to hatred because of words uttered by others that you definitely has no control of...

It breaks my heart that two tiny ears are listening and in the midst of a couple's spat.

Why is a heartache so painful?Does it have to be this painful? 
This morning I was awaken by an accusation that I'm hiding something from my hubby, that I am not telling everything and he told me that I should tell him before somebody else does. But I have no idea as to what he is pertaining to...I have been and will always be faithful to him. I never once thought of cheating on him...never! I love him so much that this accusation breaks my heart apart. I don't think I deserve it...I did not do anything to deserve being pointed at!

It started with my facebook messages...this probably is the time where I will start hating facebook. Geeezzz!!!!

Please take my pain away....

I Hate Bronchiolitis!

Sean had a bad case of bronchiolitis twice before his 1st year. Grrr! The first one was when he turned 6 months and 3 weeks ago, he had his second. He is still occasionally coughing and spitting out phlegm. I really hope he will fully recover soon. 

Irregardless of the nurses suctioning his phlegm out, or being injected with antibiotics, he still the playfull and happy baby that he is.

Below are the pictures taken at Vibharam hospital during his confinement.

Auntie Elvira convincing Sean to plot against the nurses..lolz!

Nebulizer time! It's better when he's asleep because if he's awake...all he do is wail and struggle to be freed.

He just loves pushing his IV post (don't know the medical term for that..sorry).

So playful with the TV remote.

Even loves to taste it!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I just love the new look of my blog! The good thing is..I did not need to tire myself in editing photos, fonts and design because blogger prepared it for me! Not a sweat, really! I only needed to choose which picture to put, what kind of blog layout I want and what color and font I like!

Thanks Blogger! Love it!

My Sean Sean Dear...

Sean is a bubbly 11-month and 3 weeks old now! How time flies! I thought it was only yesterday when I gave birth to him. But now, he has started to walk, though he still has to hold on things...he is always saying Dada and Mama (though Dada is his favorite word). He is so attached to his dad that he prefers him to me. I guess it will be painful to see them apart since Joevy has to go back to the Philippines on July 14 (a week after Sean's birthday) to apply in another agency and be onboard again...they will surely miss each other.

Joevy came for vacation last April (2011) and he took care of Sean since then. He's an excellent nanny-daddy...more patient than me, I could say! He never gets bored eventhough they're at home most of the time. He is contented just to be with Sean and be with me...Simply put, he's a wonderful husband and father! I cannot ask for more...

Back to Sean...he loves to push things, he pushes grocery carts, he pushes his mom/dad riding his little plane, he pushes everything he gets his hands on! Reading? Does he love reading? I guess he does, he loves reading words in the laptop. He likes reading the booklet "The Balloons" and he likes everything about animals and their sounds.

He now knows how to show his emotions, when he feels delighted, he smiles (his toothless grin)or laughs and when he is pissed, he cries (tearless cries)...when he wants to go down the bed, he throws things down from the bed for him to be carried out of it (trying to outsmart us, eh?).Sean loves to learn things...when he sees something new, he tastes it (whew!). Cooking utensils are his fave toys...and sets aside his real toys.

Ah! I cannot stop loving this two most important people in my life....they are my life, my joy!

Almost a year ago...

Hello there! I really don't know if anyone ever read my blog for the past year but it has been almost a year (that quick!) since my last post... 

A recap...

I had C-section on July 8, 2010 in Sukhumvit Hospital(my OB-gyne opted for this date, she was kinda Chinese and she believed that 8 is a lucky number). I remembered when I was wheeled into the operating room that I got so scared and was no console that my hubby was miles away from me during my baby's birth. 30 minutes later, I heard my baby's first was music to my ears! Finally, after 9 months, Sean Harvey Sayloon is out to face the world!

After two days in the hospital, I was informed that my baby has jaundice because his blood is Type A unlike me who's Type O. They took blood sample from him (I felt his agony...his small foot pierced by the needle!) and they found out he has an infection...arrggghh..another health problem(probably because my water broke at 3 am and the operation started at 9 am, so he was at risk)! After a few days, and several thousand of bills later, I asked my baby's paed to have him transferred to a government hospital because the bill is multiplying by the second. I was granted after 3 days, and Sean was transferred to the Children's hospital in Victory Monument.  For my delivery plus the hospitalisation bills of Sean, I paid a total of 95,000 baht...geez! and that's only for a week's time. Well, as long as my baby is okay...after a week, I finally was able to bring him home! Thank you God that all went well and that we had enough money to pay the hospitals.

Gifts for Sean from friends and relatives came! They shared the blessings of having my little blessing! Surely, God has been faithful and good to us all throughout those first few weeks and until now...Thank you God for Sean Harvey...he truly is a bundle of joy!