Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Beginning, again!!!@ 24 weeks this is my nth blog! I started writing blogs since two years ago but after a few posts, I stop. I can enumerate a lot of excuses but it leads to one primary reason : KATAMARAN - lolz, that's a Filipino word for laziness. Yup that's me, so 'ningas kugon'(a Filipino idiom for a behavior that is only temporary/does not last). Whenever I start on something new, I really feel enthusiastic and passionate about it to the point of foregoing food and sleep but soon after, that passion wearies and that hobby/behavior is almost good as forgotten.

Now I am starting anew....probably because my life will never be the same again! Yes, I am soon to be a MOM, and that scares the hell out of me! What if I won't be able to meet the standards of being a good mother...what if I make a mistake in taking care of my baby?!?! What if...what if...what if...

I am on my 24th week and right now my baby is kicking as I type this :) I don't think the baby is hungry since I had a snack of Khao neaw mamuang ( A thai dessert made of sticky rice topped with coconut milk and eaten with ripe, sweet mangoes)...and did I mention that it was really delicious! 

Pregnancy is a blessing...although a lot of changes are happening to my body like my hips are expanding and aching during the night, my calves' are twice the size 5 months ago, and I gained like 7 kilos now..whew! I blame the milk...I'm not really into drinking milk and eating yogurt but I have to, for my baby's calcium needs.  Well, don't get me wrong, I have accepted this changes and my hubby and I are so excited to see my baby in person.

Can't wait...113 days more before my expected delivery.

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